BEAM Schematics:

BEAM Solar Engines

Photovore/BEAM Ant

Bicore Circuits

Sumo Circuits



BEAM Solar Engines: Listed here are all the different circuits needed to make a solaroller. Includes the well-known 1381 Engine as well as a few others.

Photovore Circuits: Here you'll find everything from photopopper to bicore circuits used to make your light seeking and obstacle avoiding photovores.

Bicore Circuits: This section specializes in the different bicore circuits to make walkers, heads and other more advanced BEAM robots.

Sumo Circuits: Looking to build a sumo? This is where you'll find various circuits to make regular sumos as well as mini-sumos. There are both circuits for analog based sumos as well as ones for microprocessor controlledsumos.

Miscellaneous: In here you'll find everything else needed for your BEAM projects, like battery chargers, motor drivers and sensor circuits.

Add your schematic! If you have come up with some of your own BEAM schematics and would like to add one to this site, email it to me with a brief description.


Some of the circuits on the following pages were obtianed from
The versions of the Nervous Network contained (or linked to) herein were invented and internationally patented by Mark W. Tilden. Commercial usage is prohibited unless arrangements are made with the patent holder

Copyright Andri Ulrich 2001
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